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Instruction CYCLER

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Total Earned : $245.68

Total Posts : 23

2015-04-16 18:01:16
Simple instructions for all members
How does cycler works

Going on balance, add money, the minimum payment is $ 10 for the cycler position.
By buying positions on Cycler get insight into your condition.
When the pool collect enough money or when the number of members who have paid cycler below you increase you will be automatically paid out.
For $ 10 you get $ 16 position thus $ 8 you going to pay $ 8 while the system automatically shifts into your repurchase balance which provides a new cycle where you can buy cycler position and move on.
Time limit the duration of cyclers is nowhere limited so that your payment can be through minutes to 30 days, and sometimes more.
All members are accountable for the their actions and for the seriousness of their work.
Each member should be responsible to understand that the promotion of your referral link, as well as advertising fenixcash on websites and social networks leads to a constant influx of new members and new payments.


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